Us and them

After Monday’s post, I found that many others sources had begun to echo my sentiment of peace, love and compassion.
It was wonderful to see that I was not alone in these equanimous thoughts.
Unfortunately I found some religious magazine and Blog posts (Buddhist included) that seemed to accept that it was us or them in regards to the killing of Osama bin Laden.
Once again, I think that word “dogma” has reared its ugly head.
As long as we continue to see our World as separated by any form of us and them, we create a vacuum of compassion.
Whether it be the fat and skinny, ugly and beautiful, Republican and Democrat, or Christian and Muslim. Any thought or feeling that arises, creating a separation of beings, is one that destroys compassion and loving kindness.
Believe me when I tell you, I am not one who thinks he can change the World. But I can change my own mind and actions. The words I say, along with my actions, will either cultivate or denigrate compassion all around me. There is immense power and responsibility in how I see and accept you as you are. A simple smile or open hand can break down barriers that generations may have built up. Each of us is a defender and protector of peace.
I ask you to consider this, and see that you have so much love in your heart to give to others. To see that this love needs not be qualified, quantified or selective. It is not only boundless and fully sustainable, but actually increases exponentially by how much is given.
I send my love and blessings to those who are alive, those who suffer right now, and those who have died.
For you are each my Brothers and Sisters, and I wish you peace and harmony.

May you be well, happy and peaceful.

Victory breeds hatred. The defeated live in pain. Happily the peaceful live giving up victory and defeat. ~Buddha