Tag: Namo Buddhaya

A Buddhist training regimen


Believe it or not, at one point in my life many years ago, I was an intensely dedicated body builder. And one of the most important aspects I learned about proper training was to breathe correctly. Getting a good supply…

My path so far…

“Life’s a journey, not a destination” Although this is actually a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote, I always think of the Aerosmith song titled “Amazing”. By now I’m sure most of you know how much music is always in my head,…

Buddhism: What’s the point?

During last nights dhamma talk and discussion, someone asked Bhante Sujatha what the goal was in meditation. This got me thinking today about how goal oriented our society really is. There seems to be nothing in our lives that is…

View the mind dispassionately

As I was waking up this morning, these words kept piercing my stream of consciousness. I tried to just let this thought takes it’s course and see if some greater message was unfolding. But no further thoughts or discovery were…

The Yoke’s on You

Faith is the seed, practice the rain, And wisdom is my yoke and plow. Modesty’s the pole, mind the strap, Mindfulness my plowshare and goad. Body and speech are guarded well, And food and drink have been restrained. Truthfulness I…