Tag: dhamma

The Lotus

Yesterdays dhamma talk at the Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple referred to the Lotus flower and how it relates to our practice. And while I have read, heard and studied this analogy before, this talk made me want to revisit this.…

The cleaner

A recent dhamma talk by Bhante Sujatha offered some candid insight into the human nature, including his own. Beside sharing his experiences of the recent humanitarian efforts he just returned from, he also exposed the unhappiness that he often experienced…

Midterm exam

So lately, I am feeling as though this is a midterm exam for me. Time to check-in and be tested. And based on my fifty-six years of age, you might think this means the half way point in my life.…

A double dose of dosa

Dosa is the Pali word for aversion. And boy, how very often do we find ourselves caught up in this feeling. Perhaps the biggest pitfall is that we often don’t even realize that it is aversion which is causing us…

Pali lesson

dhamma [Skt. dharma]: (1) Event; a phenomenon in and of itself; (2) mental quality; (3) doctrine, teaching; (4) nibbāna. Also, principles of behavior that human beings ought to follow so as to fit in with the right natural order of…