Tag: desire

Escapism is not the solution


Escapism takes us from where to where exactly? Escapism: habitual diversion of the mind to purely imaginative activity or entertainment as an escape from reality or routine. How very easily each of us can perceive mediation as our little escape…

The suffering of physical pain

Physical suffering does not have to be mental suffering Two days ago I began having severe pains in my right arm. The pain seemed to originate for my shoulder and shoot downward to my wrist and fingers. As the day…

The story of the magic mirror

Perhaps you can see how with gentle awareness, acceptance and determination, that each of us can begin to destroy the mirror. This moment is just this moment; not the past one or the next. These thoughts that arise are equally transient, with no need for attachment or story development.

We are what we think

And we become what we think Moment by moment thoughts arise and pass for each of us. Some we barely notice, while others catch our attention and draw us in. The ones that we barely notice are likely the most…

Observing illness


No control means letting go When friends or loved ones are sick or not feeling well, it is easy to have compassion and offering loving wishes and goodwill. But this can be a little different when we are the one…