Tag: Buddha

What is the Dhamma?


And what makes dhamma the truth? Dhamma (Pali) or Dharma (Sanskrit) is actually the same word but in two different languages. In Buddhism it can have the following meanings: The state of Nature as it is The Laws of Nature…

The rebel yell


Rebel: to resist or rise against some authority, control, or tradition. The longer I practice, the more I begin to understand that this is a solitary one. Words are often inadequate, and can even be harmful although offered with the…

Teachers and great teachers


Most of us would agree that we are all teachers to one another, and I certainly agree that this is true. And not to say that one person has more value than another in terms of being a teacher, but…

Meditation is for old people


Meditation may also be the best medicine for all ages. It seems that a large majority of the people that I find taking up meditation and/or the Buddhist practice are of a more mature age. And while I do see…