Joe the Buddha

After almost five years of being part of the Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple, I can sincerely say that I have made so many special and Noble friends. Each one different and unique, and so many of them being beautiful teachers…

Building bridges

building bridges

My dear Son in law is such a radiant example of someone who builds bridges and tears down walls. A practice which I strive for personally every day. But my Son is far better at this than I am, as…

Coming clean

Having written this blog for several years now, I feel compelled to come clean. Coming clean, for me, is exposing my deepest vulnerabilities and struggles. And while Bhante Sujatha has always taught me that there are no struggles in Buddhism,…

Wasted days and wasted nights

Dharma is a Sanskrit word, and the derived Prakrit word is Dhamma. Etymologically, the word Dhamma is derived from the root “dham,” meaning “to uphold” and “to support,” and the commentary further explains that it is that which upholds or…

Loving less

loving less

While it may seem counter to everything we know and think about love, I believe that we all need to learn to love less. Loving less is to eliminate the fog that conceals the deepest heart of the word. Not…