Tag: wisdom

The grand illusion

A vase is also a drinking vessel, is also a weapon, is also a home to a fish or spider. A table is also a chair, or a bed to lie on. A flower is also food, or an allergen…

A Buddhist in a Non-Buddhist World

Impermanence, shmermanence! And what’s dukkha? It sounds like something you stepped in on a farm! Pali? Isn’t that what you call your Parrot? And don’t even get me started on no-self. What kind of crazy, new age, wacky thinking is…

How many truths?

How many truths are there, and is your truth different from my truth? Is there one religion that has the real truth, one belief system that is correct? Is there a higher truth, or one truth that is supreme above…

Let’s get physical

Over the past few days I have come to see how the body almost dictates our feelings. Now I would like to think that it’s mind over matter, but it appears to work in reverse of that. Whenever you are…

Shopping for God

My recent post about God seemed to have stirred a lot of interest and lively discussion. And I have learned a great deal from all of your comments and feedback. I have come to see that God, religion, beliefs and…