Tag: upadana

In search of happiness

A recent dhamma talk by Vimala Bhikkhuni was all about happiness and what that means to each of us. The general consensus was that we all wish to obtain happiness. And Bhikkhuni’s suggestion was to be open to happiness always.…

This love and that love

I don’t know why, but most mornings, at the start of my meditation, I have some small epiphany. This morning was again one of those mornings. I began my thoughts of loving kindness (metta) with my Mother and with Bhante…

Dental meditation

A busy morning this morning dissuaded me from my usual mediation time. I had much to do, and then a dental appointment at 11:30 a.m. Upon sitting in the chair to begin my two-hour long procedure, I decided this may…

Solutions for desperate times

It seems lately that so many people are feeling desperate and sad. Our current economy, high unemployment rate, fires and floods across the U.S. that have destroyed lives and homes. Is this all just a sign of the times, a…

Teaching each other

Dosa, Tanha, and Upadana. Aversion, Desire, and Clinging (grasping). After a recent and minor motorcycle accident, I suffered an injury to my knee and lower back muscles. The first day after the accident, I decided I could not meditate because…