Tag: sangha

There’s no I in Dhamma

Are Buddhist practitioners actually spiritual narcissists? Well on the surface it would certainly seem that way. After all, we are taught to love the self first. Forgive and accept yourself, see your true nature. And of course meditation is something…

Thank you so much

Over the past five months since I began this Blog, I have had many people thank me for my Blog and my posts. But I want you to know that it is me who is thankful. You are my friends,…

Wholesome and skillfull

The words “skillful” and “unskillful” (Pali: Kusala and Akusala) are Buddhist terms for talking about the ethical status of our actions. A wholesome mind brings about a state of wholesome speech and actions. This is Kusala. Any thoughts that  are…

Forget the funny words!

Mindful? Me? I think not my friends. Day after day I write these posts, and never consider that there may be many people reading this who are not Buddhist. When I use words like dharma, sangha, appamada, dukkha etc., what…