Tag: love

Being reborn as a cat


As I sat and observed one of our cats this morning, I told my Wife that I want to come back as this cat in my next life. And then I realized that it’s possible that this cat is a…

Who’s better?


I wonder how often many of you, like me, judge others as better or worse than ourselves. I think I am guilty of semi unconsciously doing this a hundred times a day. Our sense perceptions of sight and sound can…

Lady Buddha


I recently watched the documentary Lady Valor: The Kristin Beck Story. The story of a Navy Seal who is transgender, and the obstacles and hatred that she had to face and overcome. I can only assume that the struggles and…

Where are you at in your life?

Today I am trying to be more aware of my own circumstances, but also more connected to others situations. Easily we all tend to get caught up in our own lives and personal drama. Whether big or small, it’s all…