Tag: Kalyana Mitta

Too much meditation

So many articles, books and blog posts are constantly talking about meditation. And perhaps some of you feel like this is beating the subject into the ground. Why not cut-to-the-chase and talk about the realities and answers to dealing with…

Thankful for what?

Thanksgiving is a wonderful Holiday, and one that is usually filled with Family, good friends, and a bounty of delicious food. But this year my view of this Holiday was very different. And I know this is due to my…

How big is your ego?

Perhaps the real question is, how big is my ego! Because if I think you have a big ego, and I have none, then I am considering myself superior in a way. That means my ego has taken over. How’s…

Kalyana Mitta

Kalyana Mitta translates from Pali as “spiritual friends”. I am very blessed and thankful that I now have many of these people in my life. But as I research the deeper meaning of this term, I find it truly means…