Tag: equanimity

Letting go again

Attachment – suffering Desire – suffering Passion – suffering Clinging – suffering Yikes, how do we get out of this situation of creating so much unhappiness and dissatisfaction in our lives? The Pali word Samsara best describes this state of…

Who’s the boss?

Do you ever examine the cause of your unhappiness or dissatisfaction as it is occurring? Or, like most of us, do you get caught up in the moment and only build on an already disturbing story? And while I have…

Between a rock and a hard place

How often I feel that I am truly stuck between a rock and a hard place. Doing something or doing nothing, both seem to be equally bad choices. Do you ever find yourself feeling this way also, like there is…

Where is your practice?

Is your practice on the cushion once week? Or do you meditate daily and feel this your practice? Perhaps the real question is, do you believe that meditation is your practice? I for one, do not feel that my practice…

Buddhism for idiots

Oh wait, is that too harsh a word for you? But just think, since I am writing this, then I must be the King of idiots right! Well today I have thought a lot about labels and harsh words that…