Tag: desire

All beings are equal


But what constitutes a being? Saying that all beings are equal may be a seemingly broad stroke of the brush, but more and more I have come to see this to be clearly evident. I submit some questions to you…

Distraction, delusion, doubt and desire


Distraction, delusion, doubt and desire are only a few of the words that can be used to describe what happens when someone does not act in a way that we think they should. Our own mindfulness can easily become judgmental…

What is the Dhamma?


And what makes dhamma the truth? Dhamma (Pali) or Dharma (Sanskrit) is actually the same word but in two different languages. In Buddhism it can have the following meanings: The state of Nature as it is The Laws of Nature…

Don’t listen to me!


I am the student, not the teacher I am not a Guru, a Buddha, nor sage or profit. I am nobody and no one that should be thought of as a teacher. Then again, I don’t think that we should…

A message of hope


You can be free of the shackles of hope! Yes, the message of hope is that we can all let go of that and eliminate much of our suffering. As I sat this morning, I became aware of my Noble…