Tag: Buddhist

Technology of the mind

Our brain works like this: we are born into these conditions of suffering, this is what we have all inherited. But then here are these Buddhist practices, this ancient method of examining and seeing clearly our human condition. When you…

Do no harm

From the Christian belief in the Golden Rule; Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. To the Hindu philosophy of Ahisma, meaning to do no harm. And of course the Buddhist Five Precepts, which set a…

What if disaster struck?

I had a dream last night that there was a natural disaster of epic proportions. Floods, fires, plane crashes, looting, riots, complete chaos. At first, I thought perhaps these are the fires in my mind. And perhaps they are. But…

What Buddhists believe

Buddha said it best, don’t believe anything unless it agrees with your own common sense and reason. And I am here to tell you that I am no expert on Buddhism. I know very little. But I am learning. And…

Sorry, I can’t help you

How can I help you, when I have not figured out how to help myself? I realize that words mean nothing, only actions. And I can see my actions are an attempt to reach a goal, to actualize a perception.…