Tag: anger

Did I hurt your feelings?

Overall, I think we humans tend to be a sensitive and fragile lot. And if you ever doubt that, just browse Facebook for a little while and you will see a whole lot of hurt feelings and anger. And online,…

Human compost


Metaphorically speaking, I think that at our highest level, we each can only hope to become good human compost one day. How we live our lives, the words we speak and our actions, will all be gone once we die.…

Where are you at in your life?

Today I am trying to be more aware of my own circumstances, but also more connected to others situations. Easily we all tend to get caught up in our own lives and personal drama. Whether big or small, it’s all…

Getting things under control


Does your life seem like it’s always under control? Are things always just working out the way you wanted or hoped for? Do people always respond to you in the manner you expect or deserve? Well I can tell you…

What was I thinking?


I can’t stop thinking about these problems All thoughts become feelings because we personalize them. Thinking this is mine, and how this affects me, in this way. A prime example is when someone is angry at you. If mindful, we…