
Just as in the great ocean there is but one taste – the taste of salt –
so in this Dhamma and Discipline there is but one taste – the taste of freedom.
– The Buddha (Uposatha Sutta)

So many of us struggle throughout our lives searching for answers. We look above us, beyond us, upward and outwardly. Yet still, for most people, we find ourselves empty, lost and often bitter.
Our desires have not been fulfilled, our suffering has not disappeared, and the miracles we craved have melted into tears.
FreedomThese are the chains of delusion and ignorance.
Common sense would suggest that after years and years of this behavior, that anyone would see it’s not working.
Yet so many of us, myself included, keep banging our heads into the same wall. We bind ourselves to these self-destructive concepts and consider them as who we are. We have labeled, separated, and compartmentalized our minds. Our ego and the self are in total control.
So I question if perhaps this is just the nature of some of us. Is this our character? Perhaps you are the way you are, and it’s not possible to change one’s character or nature.
Well here is my view on this.
That is simply a delusion and attachment!
I believe we each have the ability to see the truth and embrace our true nature of loving kindness, good will and compassion.
You are not stuck, chained, or restricted by your delusions. Only if you choose to cling to them.
Freedom is yours if you want it. Freedom to let go of that which has held you back. Freedom from suffering.
Ignorance is simply a lack of wisdom. And wisdom is yours if you allow it.
Simply let go of these thoughts and emotions that have held you back, and breathe. Just breathe.

May you be well, happy, peaceful and free.